Market study points out the opportunities for Brazilian Stones in Mexico

Mexico is one of the target countries for It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone and was the subject of a market study conducted by the sectorial project, with the support of the Brazilian Center of Natural Stone Exporters (Centrorochas) and the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The study outcome was presented during a virtual seminar held on October 24th, which was attended by around 50 participants.

In the opening, the president of Centrorochas, Tales Machado, recalled how unaware the sector was of the tools offered by the national Agency until the entity took over its management. “When we were building the proposal for the execution of the sectorial project, I remember Roberto Jaguaribe (then president of ApexBrasil) saying that the stone sector was the only one that did not take advantage of the opportunities offered through the agreement. Since then, this is what we have been seeking, to bring everything that ApexBrasil has and can offer to our segment, in order to boost our participation in the international market. This is the first of many studies to come”, he celebrated.

Conducted by the manager of It’s Natural at Centrorochas, Rogerio Ribeiro, the event was attended by the head of the Trade Promotion Section (SECOM) at the Mexican Embassy, Pedro Luiz do Nascimento Filho; who detailed how SECOM can support entrepreneurs in the country. In his participation, the manager of It’s Natural at ApexBrasil, Emerson Raiol, pointed out that the full text of the study will be made available to the companies supported by the sectorial project (see below how to receive the document).

General aspects of the Mexico Study were presented by the economist Marcelo Prado, partner-director of IEMI Market Intelligence. After making an overview about the country, he presented the main insights and detailed some points, completing with strategic recommendations. “The good receptivity and diversity of Brazilian stones guarantees a competitive advantage among competitors. With a strong reduction in local production, more than ever, Mexico needs imports to supply these demands. And this is an excellent opportunity for Brazilian stone exporters”, he highlighted.

Trade Mission planned for 2023

The Market Study is part of a series of actions that, when added together, provide the sector with the necessary information to optimize the results in that country. They are: study, prospective mission, seminar for the presentation of results, and trade mission.

In August this year, after analyzing the information gathered about the Mexican market, the manager of It’s Natural, Rogerio Ribeiro, and Centrorochas’ market intelligence coordinator, Luiz Gustavo Drumond, visited the country during a prospective mission, to validate the information presented. “The study was very loyal to everything we saw,” said Luiz.

According to Rogerio Ribeiro, the last stage of this action is expected to take place in the first semester of 2023. “The trade mission takes place after the first three stages and then we visit the country, with a group of businesspeople, focusing on starting and, if possible, closing trade negotiations,” he explained, and added that the Market Study brought lessons that can be applied to other activities in the country.

Access the complete Mexico Study

Access to the complete document with the Mexico Study is exclusive to companies supported by It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone. The request must be made through the e-mail .

Companies that are not yet supported by the sectorial project can request to join the project free of charge. In addition to access to all the opportunities of the program, at the end of the process, you will receive the Mexico Study in its entirety! The adhesion process is 100% online, just fill in the link and the It’s Natural team will contact you to finalize the request:

About the It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone

The It’s Natural – Brazilian Natural Stone is an export incentive program developed by the Brazilian Center of Natural Stones Exporters (Centrorochas) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil). The program aims to stimulate and increase the exports of Brazilian natural stones, through a set of strategic actions for internationalization with promotional activities, strengthening the image and development of the sector in the market worldwide.

About Centrorochas

The Brazilian Center of Natural Stones Exporters acts directly on the procedures related to the presence of Brazilian businesspeople abroad combined with commercial and operational activities related to the development and evolution of Brazilian companies.

About ApexBrasil

ApexBrasil works to promote Brazilian products and services abroad and attract foreign investment to strategic sectors of the Brazilian economy. In order to achieve these objectives, the Agency carries out diversified trade promotion actions aiming at promoting exports and enhancing the value of Brazilian products and services abroad, such as prospective and trade missions, business rounds, supporting the participation of Brazilian companies in major international fairs, visits of foreign buyers and opinion leaders to be introduced to the Brazilian productive structure, among other business platforms that also aim at strengthening the Brazil brand.